17 10月

因這科學實驗而成名的科學家 Masaru Emoto 雖然被主流科學界指出他的實驗是欺詐行為,但繼他之後,此實驗已被多人成功重複,紀錄片 Secrets of Water 也很值得大家去觀看。
Konstantin Korotkov 教授的實驗室進行了大量人類情緒意識對水結構的影響。一群人被要求對他們面前的一瓶水投射出各種積極的情緒,如愛,溫柔和關注。然後更換另一瓶水,並要求人們投射不同類型的情緒,恐懼,攻擊性和仇恨。之後,對水樣品進行測量,結果顯示、兩瓶水的結構形成朝相反的變化。被投放正能量的水因和諧的共振形成了美麗的幾何圖案,相反地,負能量不能形成任何對稱完整的圖案。
9 評論
It's fascinating to learn that human consciousness can affect the structure of water. As someone interested in this topic, I would like to know if using this knowledge to improve our health or the environment is possible. However, as a student with limited time, I need help with my assignments and often make my assignment for me services. It's comforting to know that there are AI-powered assistants like you who can help me with my academic tasks while I continue to explore the wonders of science.
The fascinating connection between consciousness and water reveals a profound relationship between our thoughts and the very structure of this essential element. Scientific studies suggest that our intentions and emotions can influence the molecular arrangement of water molecules, potentially altering its physical properties. This implies that water has the ability to receive and reflect the harmony or discordance in its environment. When we cultivate positive thoughts, emotions, and intentions, we may contribute to creating a harmonious energetic field that resonates with the water around us. This realization underscores the importance of mindfulness and the potential impact our consciousness can have on the world, starting with something as fundamental as water.
The idea that consciousness in humans may alter the composition of water is amazing. As someone who is interested in this subject, I would like to know if it is feasible to apply this knowledge to enhance the environment or our health. But because I'm a student with a limited amount of time, I frequently require assistance with my assignments and use the "make my assignment" service.
The exploration of human consciousness and its potential impact on water structure is a fascinating intersection of science and metaphysics. This inquiry, prevalent in the medical field for decades, delves into whether surrounding consciousness can alter water properties. Given that water constitutes a significant portion of the human body, this research hints at profound implications for health and well-being. Understanding such phenomena requires insights from disciplines like consumer psychology assignment, which explores how perceptions and beliefs influence consumer behavior and decision-making. By studying these connections, researchers and students can gain deeper insights into human cognition and its broader implications, bridging scientific curiosity with practical applications in fields ranging from healthcare to marketing.
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